Grand Slam
GrandSlam volume 1.iso
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74 lines
FSPLAN 1.01 (Copyright 1994 John M. Trindle)
For Microsoft Flight Simulator 5.
What is it?
FSPLAN is a simple flight planner, just capable enough to get
you navigating in the vast world of FS5, ISS, and add-on
FSPLAN reads airports and navaids directly from FS5 BGL scenery
files. Any airport which has a placement record (is visible from
World->Airports menu) should be usable by FSPLAN.
UNZIP this file into the \FLTSIM5 directory. FSPLAN will find
the BGL files in your SCENERY directory.
How to use:
FSPLAN [Print Destination] [Aircraft]
Print Destination is the optional parameter which designates the text
output destination, i.e., where your plan is printed. By default,
the flight plan will be printed to FSPLAN.TXT. You may use
PRN or LPT1 as the destination name if you wish to print the
plan directly.
Aircraft specifies the ACF file to use. ACF files describe the
aircraft performance characteristics such as Best Rate of Climb
and Cruise Speed. If this parameter is not specified, the
program will default to a Cessna 182.
The [] symbols designate optional parameters and should not be
typed. If you wish to use the Aircraft parameter, though, you must
provide a Print Destination parameter.
When you invoke FSPLAN, you will be presented with an essentially
blank screen. This is where you type in your waypoints. Use
any string subset which designates the airport or VOR in your
scenery. 3 letter identifiers are good for VORs and ISS airports,
whereas city names are better for default and add-on airports. When
you have entered all your waypoints, press the PgDn key.
If you type Kennedy on the first line, and Hare on the second line,
you will be prompted to confirm or discard each match for Kennedy
and Hare in your installed scenery. In most cases, the first
option suggested will be NEW YORK KENNEDY and CHICAGO O'HARE, which
are both present in the default scenery.
FSPLAN will automatically compute the shortest route via VORs between
each pair of waypoints. Great Circle Distance computation is used.
If no VORs are available, an "INS" (Inertial Navigation System)
waypoint will be included. This last feature allows planning
trans-oceanic voyages. Routing takes a minute or two, depending on
the length of the plan.
Your destination file will be created (or the plan will be printed).
In addition, a file called FSPLAN.BIN is created. This contains
the plan in a binary format, for future use by add-in software.
If you use this flight planner, please send a check for $15 to:
John Trindle
T-Square Company
4056 Midlands Road
Williamsburg, VA 23188
Include your name, address, telephone number, and the product
(FSPLAN v1.01) which you are registering. FSPLAN is FREE to
registered owners of 2 or more ISS scenery regions.